Miyerkules, Enero 4, 2017

New Beginnings

                   Time catches up like a cliche. Just like a snap of a finger, so fast and swift. Another YEAR to live and face new struggles in Life. Another year to keep dreaming and hoping. 

NEW YEAR the most awaited part of the people wherein they wait ‘til midnight.

                     I spend my New Year celebration with my family and relative. At first I didn’t agree because they will just come, eat, play and create unnecessary noise. I also scolded my mom because she always give money, gifts and things to my cousins. She just answered me and said “It’s Christmas time and it’s time where you share and give love to others”. In that moment I realized that we should give love and help other not just during Christmas but everyday. The true essence of a FAMILY is helping one another.

“A FAMILY that Prays together stays forever”

                        New adventure in life, new beginnings, new memories to make and new life. Leave your mistakes in the past and concentrate in the future. Let your struggles be your inspiration to keep moving on. Live your life to the fullest.
 "New Beginnings Disguised as Painful Endings"- Lao Tzu


Lunes, Enero 2, 2017

Holiday Feels

                    Christmas Season is one of the most awaited part of the year by most people in the world. Every home across the globe are celebrating and singing. It is the most colorful, fabulous and happiest event but remember the reason of Christmas and that's our Lord and Savior JESUS ​​CHRIST.

                     I myself is excited during Christmas because of the many gifts and delicious foods. Being with my family and loved ones will make my Christmas complete and happy.

                      I am blessed when I joined iDisciple Youth Camp in Baguio City. I am inspired by the life of the Apostle Paul. He devoted himself in serving and following Jesus Christ. Even in our lowest point in life we can have our best witness just like what Paul did in the prison cell he shared the Gospel with the guards. I realized that I am not worthy and my life would be useless without Christ. Do not make our position be our IDENTITY. If you have to take up a position, service is the best. We are called to humility, NO MATTER THE COST. One thing that touches my heart is the Holy Ambition: Making Jesus known Globally and Locally. Around 40% of the world's population are unreached group or the nations that did not know about Jesus Christ and they did not have churches. In the Great Commission "Go therefore and make disciples of all the NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Here in the Philippines alone have 120 ethnic groups but 13 of them are unreached. We are called to go and make disciples of all nations. It inspired me to strive harder because one of the missionaries in Papua New Guinea shared her experience, which inspired me. She went their not knowing about their language but because of her strong faith she was able to share the gospel and it took her 23 years to translate the Bible with their own language together with the help of the community. We are Blessed to be a Blessing to other. There are people out there who are eager to hear the Gospel. We are commissioned to do the Great Commission. "And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." -Matthew 24:14

                      Then I realized that all our gains here on earth are considered lose because Jesus Christ is enough than anything else: "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" - Philippians 1: 21.


What is Christmas?
If there never was a Savior wrapped in a manger.
What is Christmas without Christ?

This is Christmas,
It's all about the Savior wrapped in a manger
This is Christmas,
Because of Jesus Christ!